Still debating on whether to start over do hardcore mode. The game really makes you realize how much you take for granted in other games.
I then became over burdened so I thought I would eat a shit load of my food so I can stay full for a long time and lighten my load. I forgot I can use the certain hard to get liquor to save the game without sleeping so I saved before my third attempt and managed to loot the armor. second attempt I broke the lock picks since lock picking is super hard. first attempt at lock picking I got caught, tried to run away and then got killed. I eventually managed to swindle some chick into giving me some money that I'm supposed to use to bribe guards if I get in trouble.

I think if enough time passes by, it's no longer flagged as stolen but all my shit is still stolen. the problem is you can't sell stuff you loot in the town you loot it or else guards will get called.

I ended up selling all the food I can find that wasn't considered looting and still couldn't afford a lock pick. I ended up spending like an hour searching this city looking for armor because I assumed there was no way they would expect me to lock pick the chests to get it since they haven't explained the lock picking mechanic, haven't given me lock picks, and I don't have enough gold to even buy one lock pick. it seems like the only things that get marked are places like "go to the tavern" or "go to the merchant" or "meet your friends here" n which case the merchant or tavern will be marked on the map. the game is already pretty good at not showing you where quest objectives are forcing you to explore.Īn example of this is I just had a quest where I needed to find some armor laying around and was told it's where guards sleep or hang out. Not seeing where I am on them map also seems insanely hard. I'm like 10 hours in and have to HUSTLE to get enough gold to buy a few lock picks. I'm tempted to restart the game in hardcore mode but after reading a description of hardcore mode, it seems insane. if anyone haven´t try it, you need to be patient and know about the combat and the begging of the game if you get past that, start to train, do work, quest, earn money and etc is awesome but there are still problems like the fps, the loading on last gen and other things already said. You slowly train and get better and that satisfaction is awesome at least for me. I read about the combat is very hard and the prologue or the start of the game too is very hard. I was on the fense too, i read all the stuff said here in Neogaf and Youtube videos of the game. If now it´s $10 get it if you want to try it. The games is hard and you need to train and learn the combat 100%. i can´t just go straight to a fight because i will get killed if i´m not prepared or ready for battle. The food goes bad, you need to eat and sleep and prepare for a long journey like really prepare and for a fight too. The prologue in the hardest difficulty was imposible.
I stopped playing because of the loading in my PS4 with HDD was horrendous and yeah the 30fps is bad in this game but will not stop me for playing it on my recently brought PS5.
This game needs a 60fps or PS5/XSX patch definitely. After that i won the first sword tournament with ease.

I did a lot of training and with the bow too. Sure 30fps gameplay is terrible but the atmosphere and my first play trough in survival or the hardest mode is awesome, the need to use the map and look for myself where the hell i´m or read the roads or reference and look for the north is awesome. I love the game even in 30fps and all the things said here.